Shaped by my first 2 important men in my life
My father was a painter and painted all his life. He taught me to „look closely“ on various occasions in company with other people, but also in nature or wherever.
It was through him that I received the gift of seeing many things that remain hidden from others. In addition, he sensitized me to the „right“ view of a motif, so that I can quickly decide whether this or that makes any sense at all to be captured photographically.
Also my grandfather, who ironically always called himself „the most beautiful man in the world“, I owe my great inclination to fantasy. He tirelessly showed me the diversity of nature on our extensive walks in the summer holidays in the country, so that not only pictures but also a variety of smells in and around the summer villa remain indelibly in my memory. apart from that he was a master in telling wondrous adventurous stories, which i as a child in my near surroundings always tried to realize by means of sensory impressions.